Essential Accounts

We'll start our setup process by equipping you with the accounts you need to start working with our team.

We know nobody likes having to create a bunch of accounts to begin work, so we've given descriptions of our use cases.


GitHub is home to the largest software development community on the planet with over 50M+ developers and 100M+ projects. Grey software uses GitHub to manage collaborative open source software development projects and find the organization through the Github Sponsors program.


Organizations rely on GitLab’s source code management, CI/CD, security, and more to deliver software rapidly. We use Gitlab along with Github because both services offer unique features that our organization takes advantage of.

Why do we use both Github and Gitlab? We use Gitlab for our primary development operations because we found it more conducive to handling the complexity of software project management. We use GitHub because of its vast community, classroom platform, and sponsorships program.


HackMD allows you to work on Markdown files and collaborate with your teammates in real time. At Grey Software, we use HackMD as our Google Docs or Microsoft Word alternative for collaborating on team documents.


Discord is a voice, video and text communication service used by over a hundred million people to hang out and talk with their communities. We have a server on Discord where you can reach our community members to talk about software or get help.


LinkedIn is the largest social community for working professionals on the planet. We use LinkedIn to verify the identities of our contributors and raise awareness about the importance of open-source software amongst the world's professionals.

Now, let's learn about our recommended resources!